About me

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Hi, all! I’m Sudeep, an India based travel blogger. I used to be a journalist writing from Western Odisha in India for over 30 years. Though I have written extensively in almost all subjects ranging from politics and crime to development issues, I am particularly obsessed with travelling. This blog is the result of my penchant for travelling.

I not only travel to see the places but try to engage myself to have the ultimate experiences. I have traveled nooks and corners of my country and having loads of travel experience. Now I am a proud freelancer and dedicated travel blogger.

This blog serves as a platform for me to express myself before my audience.

Sudeep Guru

For me travel is much more than just seeing the places – that travel, and the things you learn from it, can bring about a change in your life.

I travel to grow as a person, to meet others who inspire and educate me and to  do the same in return, to have my life enriched by the beauty and diversity of my beautiful country and to have my eyes, mind and heart opened wide.

For a travel addict like me, it is not my nature to travel solely to tick off the famous touristy places on a bucket list — I do not find this type of travel satisfying. I prefer to travel slow in order to experience, understand, and immerse myself in different cultures while learning from them.