Month: February 2021

Haridwar Kumbh Mela: Covid 19 violators to be punished

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Uttaranchal government has warned that those violating the Standard Operating Procedure of the Covid-19 during the forthcoming Haridwar Kumbh Mela will be dealt sternly. The state government is taking all possible steps to ensure that there is no possibility of a spike in Covid cases due to the cultural mega event.  The state government said …

Haridwar Kumbh Mela: Covid 19 violators to be punished Read More »

Stage set for Jaisalmer desert festival

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The beautiful landscape of Thar desert in the outskirt of Jaisalmer in Rajasthan is all set to come alive during the famous desert festival. The festival is  scheduled to be  held from  25 to 27 February. Known as Maru desert festival in local language, the three days cultural extravaganza will showcase the best of Rajashthani …

Stage set for Jaisalmer desert festival Read More »

Visiting the land of Ramana Maharshi and Arunachaleswar

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If you ever happen to come to Pondicherry, never miss the opportunity to pay a visit to the twin destinations of Thiruvannamalai and Gingee. While the former charges you spiritually with the holy places like the Ramana Ashram and Arunachaleswar temple, the later is a treasure trove for the history enthusiasts as the imposing Gingee …

Visiting the land of Ramana Maharshi and Arunachaleswar Read More »

Gingee fort: 5 amazing facts that make it a must visit

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Maratha ruler Chhatrapati Shivaji called it the “The most impregnable fortress in India” and the British referred to it as “Troy of the East”, after a mighty city fort described in the Greek mythology. Welcome to Gingee fort in Villupuram district of Tamilnadu about 157 kms from the state capital Chennai. Ironically the fort which has …

Gingee fort: 5 amazing facts that make it a must visit Read More »

Everything you need to know about Ranipur Jharial temples

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Perched on a rocky outcrop and nestled between the two villages, Ranipur and Jharial these stone temples built during the 9th and 10th century AD speak volumes for the glorious past that the area once enjoyed. While all the monuments which run to hundreds worth their merit for the visitors, the main attraction however is the 64 Yoginee temple, the hypethral structure.

AAI asked to carry out feasibility study on the proposed international airport in Puri

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It may be noted here that despite an increase in traffic, the Biju Pattnaik International Aiport in Bhubaneswar can not be expanded due to space constraints. The HRAO said that the airport in Puri will not only invite foreign pilgrims and tourists but also benefit the domestic travellers who will have direct flight access to the holy city which is also famous for its pristine beaches.